Thursday, April 18, 2013


OMG FINALLY , i'm so so so super sorry for the late update , my internet in indonesia is so super duper bad . If you didn't know , i'm currently in Singapore having a short holiday and updating my blog.

Today we'll be doing a nail art tutorial , today's nail art is all going to be about simplicity , for me , i think that classy is keeping things simple but eye catchy at the same time so here are the steps

1. Brown and black nail polish

2. Thin brush and dotting pen

1. Base coat

2. Paint your base with brown

3.Take out a small portion of nail polish and put them in aluminium foil or any unused plastic , then dip your brush into it

4. Draw a half 'C' at the bottom of your nails 

5. Paint the bottom part black , repeat step 4 and 5 on all your nails

6.Using the dotting pen , dip it into the small portion of black polish you took out

7. Put a small dot on the top of your nails and do the same for all your nails

8. Seal it with a top coat and you're finish 

TADAAAAA ! Isn't it super simple , it's suitable for really any type of clothes you wear , whether you're feeling gothic , chic , simple , dark , colourful etc etc ... this nails is a must do for you , that's all i have today , see you soon on my next blog post

Krisna Siantar

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